Simple & Elegant Hair Styles

You may have noticed a new trend of photos around our website. We have a fabulous photographer (here) who has been working with us recently on some special projects. She has captured so many gorgeous shots of high school, college, and adult aged girls and we are blown away by how these girls style our headbands and clips!

simple hair style

Stunning, right? Let's talk about a few of these pictures individually.

This was a fantastic surprise. I have always been a fan of these interchangeable lace headbands, but I had never thought to wear one like this! Granted, it takes it special girl with style to pull it off, but wow!

simple hair style

The model on the left is wearing the Vintage Blossom Flower Clip, which is a favorite all around. Customers love it, we love it, it is one of our most affordable flowers (only $1!), and it comes in tons of colors. I love seeing this on older girls and adults. It's such a beautiful flower. The model on the right got creative. She wrapped a Frayed Flower Headband around her ponytail and it looks fab!

simple hair style

This photo took me by surprise too. This Vintage Tulle Headband is impossible to keep in stock. We see tons of photos of these headbands but they are always on babies. This look is so sweet and adds such a feminine touch to her look. Well done!

simple hair style

Are there any other flowers or accessories that you like to wear? We love slipping shabby flowers into our hair. Show off your look. Email us, Facebook us, tweet us, whatever! We want to see how you make THBC look trendy.

Flowers in this Post:

-Vintage Blossom Flower Clip

-Interchangeable Lace Headband

-Frayed Flower Headband

-Vintage Tulle Headband

-Chiffon Flower

-Vintage Fabric Flower

-Eyelet Lace Flower

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